Friday, October 30, 2015

Student Carlos

Belem, Brazil











  I highly recommend teacher Daniel. He is a very patient, dedicated and passionate professional. His method as well the technology used in his classes are amazingly interactive.I could not find any other teacher who uses the same technics to improve our listening, reading and writing in the very same class.


 "Eu recomendo o professor Daniel. Ele é muito paciente, dedicado e um profissional apaixonado pelo que faz. Seu método e a tecnologia usadas nas aulas são incrivelmete interativas. Ainda não havia encontrado um professor com as mesmas técnicas e ferramentas, capazes de trabalhar nossas habilidades de ouvir, escrever, ler e falar na mesma aula"

Student Alex

Moscow, Russia
















I'd like to point out that the teacher has clear pronunciation and cohesiveness in expressing thoughts as well as a stable internet connection which matters when it comes to online tutoring. Daniel’s flexible hours, competitive price policy and unbiased approach add value to Daniel as a teacher. If you have an exam looming into view – Better Call Daniel!

Я хотел бы отметить  четкое произношение и ясность выражения мысли, а также устойчивое интернет соединение, что важно для онлайн уроков. Гибкий график Дэниела, гибкая ценовая политика и непредвзятый подход и еще явно чувствующийся огромный опыт . Если у вас близится экзамен - лучше звоните Дэниелу!


Student Liao 

Kaohsiung, Taiwan








   I like to practice speaking English through sharing my life and experiences. It's a good way to meet different people and knowing something we don't know. Daniel is good at teaching. He can show what vocabulary and sentence you might need in different circumstances. He also can help you on grammar through the speaking.

Daniel 擅長透過各種生活情境教導相關的單字與句子,同時他也樂於分享他的生活,在對談間即時修正文法上的錯誤。Liao

Student Ron 

Tokyo, Japan


 I have been studying English with teacher Daniel. He is a really trustworthy person. Because he can accept my requests and teaches me easy to understand.
Recently, almost all Japanese-owned English have Filipino teachers.
But you guys should be learn with a real native English speaker. If you take Daniel’s lesson, you will recognize big difference and you will feel his passion as the teacher.
Let’s study English with Daniel!

コメント: ダニエルと英語を勉強しています。ホント彼はいい人で、私のリクエストにいつも応えてくれるし、わかりやすく教えてくれます。